Creating The Notebook To begin the creation of your new Notebook, select the ‘New Notebook…’ menu item under the File menu. You will be presented with a standard Macintosh ‘Open File…’ dialog box so that you can select the text file to be used for the new Notebook. The Notebook Creation dialog box will now be displayed. This dialog allows you to specify some default characteristics of your new Notebook, and also allows you to indicate which character strings are used as the ‘End of Label’ and ‘End of Topic’ delimiters in your text file. Set the options as appropriate for your new Notebook (they’re described in detail in following sections), and press the ‘Create’ button. A standard Macintosh ‘Save File…’ dialog box will be displayed so that you can name your new Notebook application. As the new Notebook is created a window will be displayed on screen showing the progress of this process. If at any stage you wish to abort the process you can simultaneously depress the Command (⌘) and Period (.) keys on the keyboard. Once the new Notebook has been created, it will be automatically opened by Notebook Maker so that you can chack to see that it has been created correctly. You can also then use the various other features of Notebook Maker to further edit the new Notebook.